Friday, May 12, 2006

La Fea Mas Bella

Hello all - I'm going to take a stab at occasionally posting some La Fea recaps. Melinama said anything is better than nothing, so I'll give it a shot. Just a quick intro, I'm a gringo from IL, 34 years old, my formal Spanish education was in high school 20 years ago. However, I'm now married to a beautiful Mexican woman so my Spanish education has been re-started. Part of my homework is watching an hour of Spanish TV each night, it started with Alborada. My search for a little help with translation led me to the Alborada recaps, y la la la, here we are.
Just to get started, here are the main characters in the show -

Leticia (Lety) - The main character, the ugly duckling. Anyone with internet access (all of us, duh) can look up the actress and see that of course she's not so fea after all. The makeup people for the show did a pretty good job of making her look bad, but really even with this look she isn't as "fea, pero FEA" as the characters on the show like to say she is. However, the Groucho Marx eyebrows really help ugly her up. There is also a smear of what looks like ash above her lip to give her that nice moustache look. Anyway, Lety has a Master's degree in finance or business or something like that, she's sooo smart, etc etc, but nobody will hire her because she's so ugly. Apparently these employers all live in Spanish TV land where every woman looks like J Lo... Oh wait! They do! The show starts with Lety getting an interview with Conceptos, a big fashion photography/video studio (I think that's what they do). The company has models drifting through all the time, I think they are there for photo shoots and videos, things like that. The other person who shows up for the interview is...

Alicia- AKA Jessica Rabbit. Alicia is a standard hot dumb blonde, tongues are wagging from all the men when she's around. She gets hired for her looks and connections, Lety also gets hired for her skill. They were both hired by...

Fernando - Fernando is the president of Conceptos, his father previously ran the company and is retiring. He is getting married to Marcia. Fernando is a major league womanizer.

Marcia - Fernando's fiancee, partial owner of the company. Her father was Fernando's father's co-owner before dying in an accident.

Omar - VP of the company, but President of the Lusting After Alicia crew. A horrible influence on Fernando, Omar calls him daily from some bar where he always happens to have some extra babe sitting there pining away for Fernando.

Lety's Mom and Dad - Mom is nice and sweet, Dad is horribly over-protective and is convinced that Lety is 30 seconds away from getting mauled by horny guys at any given time. Being her father has made him blind to her plainness I guess.

Tomas - Lety's male counterpart and best friend. A huge nerd who is also highly educated but unemployable due to his horrible look.

This about covers the major players - I'll try and get some stories up soon and within those the minor players will be introduced. Also, I'm new at this, so I haven't figured out how to put pictures in yet. Hopefully you won't all get too impatient with my learning. See you soon!



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