La Fea - Part Three
Lety arrives in the office, but Fernando isn’t there. As she’s walking in, Saimon the courier walks in behind her. The two haven’t met. We saw Saimon earlier in the show, he delivered a letter or package to somebody. For some reason he wears a suit, then over that puts on a yellow slicker and a helmet. I suppose he doesn’t want to look like a hippie like most bike messengers, he’s trying to look fly for all the ladies at Conceptos. So, since he rolls in wearing a suit, Lety thinks he’s some other executive of the company, or perhaps an important visitor. Saimon, who listens more to the little devil on his right shoulder than the little angel on his left, seizes the opportunity to have some fun. Once he’s done convulsing in horror, like everyone does when first meeting La Medusa Lety.
Side note – I’ve noticed the for the most part, people act like they’ve gazed upon the face of satan when they first see Lety, but then 30 seconds later and forever after they are unaffected. Sure, they refer to “La Fea” in conversation, the other ladies keep discussing how ugly she is to make their pitiful little lives seem less hopeless, but really the whole ‘shockingly ugly’ thing seems to pass quickly. The main exception to this is Luigi. In an earlier scene, when Lety turns into Jack Tripper for a bit when finding and returning some CDs from the production area, Luigi buttonholed Fernando and said that Lety is banned from the studio. I don’t remember or didn’t quite understand what his reasoning was, but really I think he just doesn’t want her uglying up the place. Perhaps her Fea causes his Chakra to become misaligned or something.
Saimon plays like he’s a talent evaluator or something along those lines and starts talking to Lety like he’d like to put her in a commercial. He gives her a pen and instructs her how to hold it up like she’s selling it in a commercial. Soon he has her hopping around the office with the pen in her mouth like a goon. Mid-twirl, the door opens and Fernando enters. She almost twirls into him, giving her cause to have a seizure and offer her disculpes and all that and bow bow bow like she’s Japanese and scamper off to her office. Fernando softly reprimands Saimon, he wants to chew him out but really he thought the whole thing was funny so he just told him to take off.
We get into some real Fawlty Towers territory here, which continues along the same lines as Three’s Company. The show jumps genres a lot, though never dipping heavily into drama. Sometimes it’s a touching family drama, like a ‘very special episode, ‘ with RoboPapa completely detached from the real world and Mama Padilla loving him for it while telling him how wrong he is. “Viejo you don’t know what you’re talking about. Get over it. I love you, you’re so sweet. And insane. Kiss kiss kiss.” Then we have slapstick. Then we have “let’s laugh at the Feos.” Then occasionally we have cause to feel sad for Lety’s suffering, The Passion of the Fea.
A woman named Carla Laguna has arrived, looking for Fernando. She is apparently a former lover that Marcia is aware of. The bit plays out a bit like Carla didn’t know where Fernando has disappeared to until she saw the photo in the magazine announcing his engagement. What I don’t get is that Fernando is a big shot at this company, his dad owned part of it, was he really that hard to track down? Anyway, Carla gets out of a cab dressed horribly, there are better ways to have your boobs hang out, you don’t have to wear such a nasty outfit to do it. Carla is tall and has an awesome body, obviously she was a model on some previous project that Fernando managed to win over with his super smooth pickup lines. “Hi. You’re pretty. Uh how’s it going.” I guess he’s handsome, my wife says si como no, but maybe her tastes are different, because he’s pulling in ladies left and right with zero effort. So Carla comes in and demands to see Fernando, receptionist Paula Maria tries to stall her while she calls up to Fernando’s office. Lety answers the phone, this kicks off a long chain of people running around the building trying to find each other, phone calls back and forth, people just missing each other turning around corner, etc. Lety has made it her life’s mission to keep Fernando’s secrets, she goes out of her way to not let Marcia find out what’s going on. When speaking to Fernando, who for some reason (to make the scene work right) has decided to keep Marcia with him all day today, about Carla looking around for him, she keeps referring to the ‘personnel issue.’
Finally, I don’t even remember how, Marcia finds out that Carla is in the building. She storms down to the receptionist, Paula Maria tells her that Carla and Fernando left together. Indeed they did, they went to a restaurant, where surprisingly Fernando tells Carla to make like a tree and get out of here, he’s going to marry Marcia. I was stunned. This guy tries to have sex with models right in his own office building, but he leaves and goes to a restaurant with this ex-lover who is desperately trying to find some place to lose her clothes to tell her to take off.
Marcia finally tracks Fernando down to the audio/video place that Lety said he was going to, finally ending the entire charade. He acts casual. “What? I just left and came here. I don’t know this Carla of who you speak.” He almost gets to the point of denying that his name is Fernando when Marcia finally gives up and gets off the phone.
Marcia and Alicia storm into Lety’s office and demands his little black book that is actually big and brown. She says de ninguna manera. Con todo respecto, of course. Bow bow scrape scrape Dona Marcia etc etc. But she will not give up the goods. Lety then goes off to lunch or a break, she’s wiped out from being John Cleese all morning. When she returns, Marcia, Alicia, and Lopez the creepy HR guy are standing there waiting for her. Marcia gets her predatory smile going and snaps out that Lety is FIRED. Lopez, between licking his hand and wiping his shoulder and head YUCK (I’m disgusted by this every time, as well as his caterpillar eyebrows) and smiling, like he hated her all along and was soooo glad to send her on her way. Of course, while she’s in her office sniffling about it and picking up her stuff, Fernando returns and tells her to forget about it, he really needs her there and nobody has authority over him to hire or fire anyone. He tells her “Tu eres la mujer que yo necesito.” Omar hears the whole thing, then proceeds to needle Fernando mercilessly over his new ‘novia.’
Lety has now promoted Fernando to sainthood. Well, something along those lines, because she wants to get busy with him too, I suppose you don’t do that with saints. She goes back to her office and gets to acting like a 12 year old with a crush on Justin Timberlake. It’s almost embarrassing to watch. Get a grip woman!
Her spirits are high. On her way home, some local idiot boys around her age, who have nothing better to do than hang around and try and show how cool they are for having nothing to do and nowhere to go, decide to tease her. Roman, who Lety knows, introduces her to some other guy who he says “is dying to meet you.” The guy reacts predictably, cracking his neck as he lurches back when he sees her, but then gamely plays on. I can’t remember his name, so I’ll just call him Dork. Roman and Dork invite Lety to go out with them that night. Due to her new high spirits, she doesn’t see how ridiculous this is and agrees to go.
She goes home and tells her mom how she has a date. Mama thinks this is great, but Robopapa says de ninguna manera. Remember, the entire male population of Earth exists for one sole purpose – to get busy with Lety. So he says no. After lots of crying from Lety in her room, Mama goes to RoboPapa and convinces him to let her go out. Of course he insists that the boys have to come in and meet him first, etc etc.
Meanwhile, Marcia sinks deeper into insanity. Fernando shows up at her house to ‘talk’ (uh oh) and Marcia is dressed like a judge. She puts him through some mock trial for being a philanderer, he stammers a lot and it’s funny and strange at the same time. I’m not sure what happened, but soon she sentences him to play ‘see what’s under the judge’s robe.’ He decides to play.
That’s the end of the first week. My spring class ended and I have a few weeks before my summer class, so maybe I can catch up soon. I’m having a lot of fun, I didn’t realize how much I like to prattle on for pages and pages about nothing. Thanks for reading and I’ll see you soon.
Side note – I’ve noticed the for the most part, people act like they’ve gazed upon the face of satan when they first see Lety, but then 30 seconds later and forever after they are unaffected. Sure, they refer to “La Fea” in conversation, the other ladies keep discussing how ugly she is to make their pitiful little lives seem less hopeless, but really the whole ‘shockingly ugly’ thing seems to pass quickly. The main exception to this is Luigi. In an earlier scene, when Lety turns into Jack Tripper for a bit when finding and returning some CDs from the production area, Luigi buttonholed Fernando and said that Lety is banned from the studio. I don’t remember or didn’t quite understand what his reasoning was, but really I think he just doesn’t want her uglying up the place. Perhaps her Fea causes his Chakra to become misaligned or something.
Saimon plays like he’s a talent evaluator or something along those lines and starts talking to Lety like he’d like to put her in a commercial. He gives her a pen and instructs her how to hold it up like she’s selling it in a commercial. Soon he has her hopping around the office with the pen in her mouth like a goon. Mid-twirl, the door opens and Fernando enters. She almost twirls into him, giving her cause to have a seizure and offer her disculpes and all that and bow bow bow like she’s Japanese and scamper off to her office. Fernando softly reprimands Saimon, he wants to chew him out but really he thought the whole thing was funny so he just told him to take off.
We get into some real Fawlty Towers territory here, which continues along the same lines as Three’s Company. The show jumps genres a lot, though never dipping heavily into drama. Sometimes it’s a touching family drama, like a ‘very special episode, ‘ with RoboPapa completely detached from the real world and Mama Padilla loving him for it while telling him how wrong he is. “Viejo you don’t know what you’re talking about. Get over it. I love you, you’re so sweet. And insane. Kiss kiss kiss.” Then we have slapstick. Then we have “let’s laugh at the Feos.” Then occasionally we have cause to feel sad for Lety’s suffering, The Passion of the Fea.
A woman named Carla Laguna has arrived, looking for Fernando. She is apparently a former lover that Marcia is aware of. The bit plays out a bit like Carla didn’t know where Fernando has disappeared to until she saw the photo in the magazine announcing his engagement. What I don’t get is that Fernando is a big shot at this company, his dad owned part of it, was he really that hard to track down? Anyway, Carla gets out of a cab dressed horribly, there are better ways to have your boobs hang out, you don’t have to wear such a nasty outfit to do it. Carla is tall and has an awesome body, obviously she was a model on some previous project that Fernando managed to win over with his super smooth pickup lines. “Hi. You’re pretty. Uh how’s it going.” I guess he’s handsome, my wife says si como no, but maybe her tastes are different, because he’s pulling in ladies left and right with zero effort. So Carla comes in and demands to see Fernando, receptionist Paula Maria tries to stall her while she calls up to Fernando’s office. Lety answers the phone, this kicks off a long chain of people running around the building trying to find each other, phone calls back and forth, people just missing each other turning around corner, etc. Lety has made it her life’s mission to keep Fernando’s secrets, she goes out of her way to not let Marcia find out what’s going on. When speaking to Fernando, who for some reason (to make the scene work right) has decided to keep Marcia with him all day today, about Carla looking around for him, she keeps referring to the ‘personnel issue.’
Finally, I don’t even remember how, Marcia finds out that Carla is in the building. She storms down to the receptionist, Paula Maria tells her that Carla and Fernando left together. Indeed they did, they went to a restaurant, where surprisingly Fernando tells Carla to make like a tree and get out of here, he’s going to marry Marcia. I was stunned. This guy tries to have sex with models right in his own office building, but he leaves and goes to a restaurant with this ex-lover who is desperately trying to find some place to lose her clothes to tell her to take off.
Marcia finally tracks Fernando down to the audio/video place that Lety said he was going to, finally ending the entire charade. He acts casual. “What? I just left and came here. I don’t know this Carla of who you speak.” He almost gets to the point of denying that his name is Fernando when Marcia finally gives up and gets off the phone.
Marcia and Alicia storm into Lety’s office and demands his little black book that is actually big and brown. She says de ninguna manera. Con todo respecto, of course. Bow bow scrape scrape Dona Marcia etc etc. But she will not give up the goods. Lety then goes off to lunch or a break, she’s wiped out from being John Cleese all morning. When she returns, Marcia, Alicia, and Lopez the creepy HR guy are standing there waiting for her. Marcia gets her predatory smile going and snaps out that Lety is FIRED. Lopez, between licking his hand and wiping his shoulder and head YUCK (I’m disgusted by this every time, as well as his caterpillar eyebrows) and smiling, like he hated her all along and was soooo glad to send her on her way. Of course, while she’s in her office sniffling about it and picking up her stuff, Fernando returns and tells her to forget about it, he really needs her there and nobody has authority over him to hire or fire anyone. He tells her “Tu eres la mujer que yo necesito.” Omar hears the whole thing, then proceeds to needle Fernando mercilessly over his new ‘novia.’
Lety has now promoted Fernando to sainthood. Well, something along those lines, because she wants to get busy with him too, I suppose you don’t do that with saints. She goes back to her office and gets to acting like a 12 year old with a crush on Justin Timberlake. It’s almost embarrassing to watch. Get a grip woman!
Her spirits are high. On her way home, some local idiot boys around her age, who have nothing better to do than hang around and try and show how cool they are for having nothing to do and nowhere to go, decide to tease her. Roman, who Lety knows, introduces her to some other guy who he says “is dying to meet you.” The guy reacts predictably, cracking his neck as he lurches back when he sees her, but then gamely plays on. I can’t remember his name, so I’ll just call him Dork. Roman and Dork invite Lety to go out with them that night. Due to her new high spirits, she doesn’t see how ridiculous this is and agrees to go.
She goes home and tells her mom how she has a date. Mama thinks this is great, but Robopapa says de ninguna manera. Remember, the entire male population of Earth exists for one sole purpose – to get busy with Lety. So he says no. After lots of crying from Lety in her room, Mama goes to RoboPapa and convinces him to let her go out. Of course he insists that the boys have to come in and meet him first, etc etc.
Meanwhile, Marcia sinks deeper into insanity. Fernando shows up at her house to ‘talk’ (uh oh) and Marcia is dressed like a judge. She puts him through some mock trial for being a philanderer, he stammers a lot and it’s funny and strange at the same time. I’m not sure what happened, but soon she sentences him to play ‘see what’s under the judge’s robe.’ He decides to play.
That’s the end of the first week. My spring class ended and I have a few weeks before my summer class, so maybe I can catch up soon. I’m having a lot of fun, I didn’t realize how much I like to prattle on for pages and pages about nothing. Thanks for reading and I’ll see you soon.
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