Saturday, June 10, 2006

La Fea - Part Nine

Not much happens for a while. Jessica Rabbit is upset about Lety being important when her seis semestres de financia make her soooo much more qualified. Right. Yes, your community college equivalent should definitely outweigh Lety’s Masters degree. Gosh! How can you not be running your own company by now?

Fernando and Omar talk about how much J.R. hates and is jealous of Lety. Fernando thinks this is the first time a beautiful woman has been so jealous of an ugly one.

Marcia The Unblinking Eye and J.R. spend some time talking about…… Lety. For being so worthless in their eyes, they sure do spend a lot of time thinking about her. Lots of “Maaaaarcia, por que Fernando gives so much credit to Lety? Porrrrr queeee? Maaaaaaarcia? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa whaaaaaaaaaaaa.” Marcia later tells Fernando that he doesn’t realize it, but somehow Lety has brainwashed him. If giving him good information and advice, and doing good work, is brainwashing, then I guess she is. She’s a voodoo priestess.

Finally something happens. J.R. decides to perform some sabotage. Lety is working on some report for tomorrow’s meeting (same old story). J.R. decides to mess up her computer so she can’t get it done. Olarte the idiot finance guy gets involved again, as does Ariel the Little Mermaid. Olarte calls Lety to his office for something or other to keep her busy. J.R., with some instructions she got from the corrupt systems guy in the basement, enters some commands into Lety’s computer to lock it up. Olarte sifts through some papers while Lety fumes, finally she has had enough and stomps back to her office, though too late to catch J.R. in the act. Lola, Olarte’s secretary, DID see J.R., though. But she doesn’t say anything to anybody, not even when Lety discovers her computer is all messed up and she can’t get her information. More hand wringing ensues, lots of yelling and running around, finally Fernando calls systems to get Lety’s computer and get the info from it.

Lety starts crying her eyes out to Fernando and tells him that she doesn’t deserve the promotion he gave her. Why she thinks this when it wasn’t her fault is beyond me. She tries to quit more often than she gets fired. Fernando tells her he doesn’t have time for that kind of talk, he needs the info from her computer.

Paula Maria calls a friend at another company to see if he can fix Lety’s computer, the systems guy from the basement says it will take him a couple days. This is because a) he’s stupid, b) he’s corrupt and the axis of evil put him up to this, and c) he’s busy taking breaks and stuff like that. Fernando comes down to check up on him, the guy has the gall to tell him that he’s on his way to lunch. The president of the company! He’s lucky he didn’t get fired on the spot. With the guy from the other company as a backup plan, Fernando leans heavily on the systems guy and finally he gets what he wants. However…. while everyone is out of the room, the systems guy makes a copy of all the confidential information from her computer!

Eventually the whole thing comes unraveled, Fernando discovers Olarte’s involvement and fires him on the spot. He then goes to the systems guy and fires HIM too. He’s on a roll, kicking ass and taking names.

Back in the meeting room – Luigi Lombardi, el gran gay and Conceptos’s award winning director, emotionally tells everyone that he’s going to shoot a video for Benny Ibarra. I guess he’s really famous in Mexico, because everyone goes nuts at the news. So this sounds like something good is going to happen! I’m sure something will muck it up. Fernando arrives with the information he needed all along, finally, Lety follows a few minutes later. She says “buenas tardes” but no one answers, making her very nervous. Soon, however, it is her turn to explain the report, she manages to gain everyone’s rapt attention.

At the end of the meeting, Fernando proposes giving Lety more responsibilities within the company, due to her successful report, as well as due to the fact that Olarte got the boot earlier that day. Lety can’t believe it. I feel some more crying and daydreaming coming on.

Ariel the Little Mermaid finds J.R. after the meeting and says he thinks it was her that messed up Lety’s computer. She doesn’t say yes or no, but she’s a bad bluffer and he knows it to be true. He’ll put that info to use later. I’m still trying to figure out what his real job is. He doesn’t work at Conceptos, we see him in his office sometimes, he has a hot secretary who doesn’t do anything but transfer phone calls to him, he never says where he works or what he does, and he has nothing but free time to pursue his goal of world domination. Whoops, I mean his goal of ruining Fernando and taking over Conceptos. Maybe we’ll find out someday what he does.

Lety tells El Club De Las Feas that she’s taking over a lot of Olarte’s job. The familiar give and take of “did you get a raise?” “no Don Fernando must have forgotten about it.” The circle of life continues.

Fernando tells Omar to pretend he’s in love with J.R. so she won’t spend any time with Ariel the Little Mermaid, too much contact between the two makes him nervous. Fernando tries to keep all his affairs (both personal and company) private, but J.R. is bound to get a tidbit of info here and there and he doesn’t want Ariel the Little Mermaid to know ANYTHING.

Fernando meets with Lety, who tells him that the company is in some financial trouble. No duh. The place is overrun with idiots, how could it possibly be in good shape?

During a shoot for a bicycle commercial, Luigi ties his dog’s leash to a camera tripod. As expected, the dog pulls the camera over and breaks it. Luigi is beside himself, as only a gay stereotype can be. This was the nice 35mm camera. With that ruined, there is only a video camera to use. Luigi refuses to use it under any circumstance. I sense a high noon showdown with Fernando over this one, replacing the 35mm camera will be $$$$$$ expensive and there is no extra money these days.

Fernando invites Lety to accompany him and Omer to a big trade show/meeting/cocktail reception. She is overcome with emotion and tears up, later on that night she is at home dreaming once again about being Mrs. Fernando. Swoooooooooooooooon.


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